Sunday 30 December 2018

Poetry Corner VII

Hey folks.

So it's been a hell of a year. Seems I'm one of many who've found this year pretty extreme in terms of highs and lows, struggles and triumphs. I decided to end on this final poetry corner, here's hoping you enjoy the positive messages that dwell within.

I would just like to thank everyone who has read my blog this year, given me feedback, contacted me and helped spread my writing around.

I whispered in the wind, and many of you heard me and recognised something of yourself in my words..

That is truly the greatest gift of all!

One love.

Just Walk Away

Easy to look outside you
At other's problems and pain,
Easier to reach out to them
Than to delve deep within your brain,
Easier to offer advice
Than take your own medicine,
Helping others to heal
Puts your shit in the pedal bin.

Thing is, things overflow
When we overlook our own
Impediments and issues
And it all quickly mounts up.
That's when crises occur,
As floods breach our levees
We find ourselves unsteady
And unable to really cope.

Beware the do gooders
For often there's rot inside,
You'll get judgement and bile
If you dare question their motives.
Be selfless only to a point,
Don't end up neglecting your needs,
As those you help the most
May well be the first ones to leave.

Life's a delicate balancing act
But hell, we all know that,
The trick is to treat others
How we would have them treat us.
So when you do all you can
And they throw it back in your face,
Just turn your back and walk
And leave them to their disgrace.

R. C. Greenlow

Love Of Life

Love the way it comes together
At the drop of a hat,
Spent so long wishing so much,
Above and beyond this and that.

Not waiting any more,
Doing my thing the way I want.
No one overtaking my inertia,
Mine is my own bathing font.

Belittled none, beyond delusion,
The perfect opposite of panic here!
Unable to stop myself smiling,
No plan of another’s to adhere.

Alone is what I used to call it
Before my rise to realising this,
Now I know peace everywhere..
Life has led me directly to bliss.

R. C. Greenlow


Take a clean fresh page
And a moment to clear your mind,
Then imagine you're the sun
Radiating heat down on everyone.

Take time out to sit back,
Refresh the mind of the daily dross,
Then allow yourself to flow like wine
From the finest grapes you can grow.

Throw away your inhibitions,
Ignore the stale voices holding you back,
Eat from golden fields of corn
And drink only the purest spring water.

Take a moment to reflect on this,
Remember it for the rest of your days,
As this is when you're truly tuned in
To the best bits of living this life.

R. C. Greenlow

Copyright ©2018 Richard C. Greenlow. All rights reserved.

1 comment:

  1. I've been dealing with anxiety and depression for a while myself. I've had one of of the worst days I've had in a long time today.
    I really connected with one of the post you wrote about having a bad day on Sunday.
    it's just the weirdest thing.... it didn't matter how much I tried to think positive.. it just turned out to be one big old pile of negativity
    Well I guess it's lucky it's just Saturday so at least I have tomorrow to pick myself


Comment is welcomed and appreciated, more than you know! If you feel like it, let me know your thoughts. Its good to talk, and even better to receive feedback as a writer. Peace out.