Tuesday 13 November 2018

Poetry Corner VI

It's that time again. I know I usually don't do poetry corner more than once a month, but lately I've been seemingly rather plugged into the old metre and verse. So without further ado, here's 3 of my latest little ditties.

Whatever You Need

Dunno' what to do
Or what to say,
Dunno' what sounds best
Or what to play.

No idea if there's answers
Or real solutions,
Dunno' how to ease the pain
Or help in any way.

It's no longer all about me
I've no information to work from,
No insight to rely upon,
To help you find your way.

Don't care about my feelings,
Just want your pain to heal.
Need information to work from
To help me guide you through.

I'm stumbling blind in the dark
Through invisible obstacles,
Trying to navigate a path
That might lead to your side.

This is all so new
But I'm in for the long haul.
I can step back from you,
Or be resolute and stand tall.

I can be the strong one,
Take on anything you need.
Trust me to do anything,
If it helps you it helps me.

Even if there's nothing,
No words or thoughts or deeds,
I'm here with you regardless
To take care of your needs.

R. C. Greenlow

Mountains And Mole-Hills

When big storms blow in,
Buffeted by shocks and traumas,
I seem to make like a shark,
An automaton on a mission.
Yet the silly daily annoyances,
The hiccups that interrupt my flow,
Seem to trigger a disabling rage
That reduces me to tantrums.

What is it about the really big stuff
That inspires such coping abilities?
How do I traverse these mountains
With such innate calm and control?
And yet, what is it about the little things
That utterly disables my equanimity?
Why does every mole-hill I encounter
Trip me up, as if I’m as blind as the mole?

Give me crises, trauma and disaster
And I’ll help you over the bridges I build,
I’m an island of calm, a refuge and shelter,
When surrounded by terror and strife.
Yet petty annoyances and minor niggles
Drive me to almost instant distraction,
And as all logic and reasoning evaporate
I’m left feeling like a two year-old child.

‘Don’t sweat the small stuff’ I hear so oft,
As if that was the easiest thing in the world,
But the mole-hills that litter my daily life
Have become without doubt my Achilles heel.
So give me mountains any day of the week,
I climb and I conquer and I thrive,
But just leave the room when I lose my mind
Over the littlest things in the world.

R. C. Greenlow
Inspired by Nathaniel George

Ode To Her

She's not here..
Right now, she just can't be.

She's not here..
And I don't blame her one bit.

She's got to take time out..
For herself and her sake.

And though I miss her so,
Though I need her presence,
Though I want to hold her close..
It's really isn't all about me.

So take your time..
Take all the time you need love.

Rest up my sweet,
Take your sweet time.

Do whatever you need to do..
Don't worry about me.

Take all the time in the world..
I ain't going nowhere.

R. C. Greenlow

Copyright ©2018 Richard C. Greenlow. All rights reserved.

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