Sunday 26 August 2018

Particeps Tua

I know you..

You used to be so different. You were sleepwalking through life for so long, with just occasional moments of waking that were so awful you went right back to sleep again, until a day came when you awoke to realise you can sleepwalk no longer. That was the day that everything changed. Oh what a day, of fear and rapture in equal measure!

Somehow you knew things would never be the same. Pandora's box was opened though, any way you cut it, and it just took a while for your brain to catch up to the reality of your new situation. The familiar walls of perception you used to rely upon to compartmentalise everything into were gone. So many things you'd decided were facts, stuff you were taught to believe all your life, suddenly all realised as fairy tales and lies. You awoke from silent slumber into an emerging nightmare..

I know how you felt at that moment, reeling from the enormity of that complex web of deceit, having the whole carpet tugged out from under you like that. But remember the massively freeing feeling when you climbed out of your cage, when the missing puzzle pieces swam into view on the horizon where previously there had been just a fog in the distance? I know you thought about climbing back inside that cage, but there truly is no going back my dear friend. What is seen in truth and light can never be unseen.

How those days were lonely. How you trod the depths of a despair you never thought possible. But you must remember what it was that caused you to rise up from those depths. It wasn't a return to shallow comforts, to that former world where everything was reasonably certain and comfortable but so terribly limited and fake. It was the rising awareness of truth, its light slowly warming your soul from the very core and spreading outwards to every part of your being. It was answers to burning questions, that you didn't even think to ask before, suddenly becoming available in the unlikeliest of places. It was the dawning of your real life.

Know that you don't have to explain your internal struggle to me. I'll always be here to listen, but never feel you have to explain anything. As unique and complex and meandering as your journey has been I know of that journey. I feel your pain. Many times you've climbed up high only to fall, many times they've raised you up only to cuss you down. You've had moments where you've wanted to settle for the numbness of resignation to that state somewhere between sadness and apathy, but that's not you my dear. You're not meant to stay that way. You're meant for far greater things..

You deserve to feel the quiet exaltation that is only gained by breaking out of the prison of your former life, doing all the hard work of conquering your fears and addressing your weaknesses, and choosing to walk on the less travelled road. You've earned the right to a voice and to be heard. Never be scared to use your voice. If they ever try to silence you then shout and scream if you have to, or let me shout for you. I'll be your mouthpiece and I will never let them quieten your thunder. You are wonderful and you are powerful, and they are fearful and they are weak. You will win!

I know the road is long because I walk it with you. I'm beside you, through the twists and turns and bumps and pitfalls, over the hills and through the valleys. I'm not going anywhere without you my dear friend. I'll never leave you behind, and should you take a wrong turn I will gently try to guide you back onto this road. I know you'll find your way back, one way or the other. You'll never be lonely my dear. Even if you turn away, know that I'm always going to be nearby, patiently waiting for you. It's so much nicer to walk this road beside you than to traverse it alone.

I know you so well. You're thinking, "how can I change the world, I can't even change my own life.."

But you can, my dear friend. You can change your life. Any time, any moment, you can change it all just by thinking differently and believing it can be different. Believe in better. Believe it and you will see it! Let your belief change the world. Be the change you want to see in the world. Take small steps. Eventually, those small steps lead to big changes. This is truth, and it is untouchable.

Belief is everything my dear friend. Believe in truth and light and love. Live your life in truth, let the light in and enjoy it's warmth, and use love as your currency. And I'll be here, right beside you, believing in you and with you. Your companion. Always.

Copyright ©2018 Richard C. Greenlow. All rights reserved.

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